west point yoga club


Weekly Yoga Classes. Start your day with tranquility and energy by joining our yoga club for weekly sessions every Wednesday from 5:35-6:20 AM in Arvin (2nd Floor, Combatives Room #3). Mats are not required but feel free to bring your own. These sessions are open to Cadets, Faculty, Staff, and all West Point Community members—no experience or registration required! Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or new to the practice, our welcoming environment is perfect for everyone. Come as you are and enjoy the benefits of yoga with us!

Trip Sections. Join us for trips to local yoga studios and retreat centers.

Private Sessions. Is your club, team, or group interested in a yoga class? Please get in touch with us to schedule a private group session.

who we are

The West Point Yoga Club offers cadets a unique avenue for development beyond traditional training methods, enhancing both physical and mental capabilities. The demanding environment at West Point requires cadets to maintain peak physical condition, and yoga supports this by improving flexibility, strength, and balance. Unlike other athletic offerings on campus, yoga places a special emphasis on mobility, which is crucial for overall physical readiness. Additionally, the mental discipline gained through regular yoga practice helps cadets manage stress, improve focus, and cultivate a calm and clear mind—qualities essential for effective decision-making and leadership both in the classroom and in their future military careers.

The club fosters cadet development through three main avenues. First, cadets lead weekly yoga classes open to the entire West Point community, including faculty and staff. This engagement not only enhances their physical practice but also provides a platform to share yoga and develop leadership skills. Second, cadets can enhance their practice through intensive, accredited teacher training programs, ensuring high-quality instruction and providing a valuable skill for life beyond graduation. Lastly, the club offers travel opportunities to yoga retreat centers and expert-led classes, exposing cadets to diverse learning experiences they can integrate into their teaching. These trips also offer a space for cadets to practice yoga and recharge during demanding academic semesters.

frequently asked questions